Saturday Mix — Lorraine 04.03.17

Welcome to another Saturday Mix. Lorraine is hosting this week’s mix of flash fiction, poetry, and shadorma. Please feel free to try any or all of the challenges.


Write a piece of flash fiction 25 to 150 words from the dog’s perspective. What is going on in the little, sad looking pug’s mind?

picture: © Lorraine 2017

(If you are a cat person, send me some good catty pictures for future prompts. Let me know in the comments section if you have photos to submit)


Mind you Ps & Qs: From Glossary of Forms, Poetic Terminology, and Literary Devices on this page’s side bar, choose a poetic form that begins with P or Q*. Run with it. You can use the above photo as inspiration. *The quadrille — a 44 word poem — can be considered also.

This week, our play date with the shadorma has a surprise – a shadorma summation. Your free verse could be a microburst of poetry.

Shadorma Summation: the Shadorma Summation is a Free Verse poem with a concluding stanza using the Shadorma – a non-rhyming, six line poem with the syllable count (beat) of: 3/5/3/3/7/5

You can use anything for inspiration, including the picture.

Link your post (ping back) to this page. Tags: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Saturday mix. That master of the shadorma summation, Mr. Linky, awaits your click.


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