Prompt Hosts

Yves aka Mindlovemisery

For me Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie is my Brothel of Slaking Intellectual Lusts. For those of you familiar with the 90s computer game Planescape Torment this reference might mean something, for the rest of you it probably won’t make much sense so let me explain. The word brothel is misleading. It might be more accurate to call it a philosophical school, poetry being what it is to the soul. For me it is a sanctuary, a place to expand the mind and heart, to explore the sensual, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual realms, a place where inspiration and creativity combine with freedom of expression. It is a place where people can be themselves and form meaningful connections with others through the artistic medium of their choice, at least, I hope it is that kind of place. 


Sarah Whiley 

Sarah hosts the Tuesday Photo Challenge and Saturday Mix. She is a teacher with a passion for writing and all things quirky! Sarah started blogging over ten years ago and since then has enjoyed pursuing a range of poetry forms and short stories. Sarah is fascinated with language and the nuances contained within it – and her prompts attempt to reflect this. The Saturday Mix provides a rotating roster and range of challenges. Please join in – Sarah is looking forward to having you on board.



Oloriel is a writer and digital artist from Belgrade, Serbia. She enjoys mostly combining various media to convey stories and feelings, including but not exclusive to photography, digital media, writing and painting; and her creations often focus on exploring the duality of both nature and humans. You can find her writing and painting at her blog, as well as at, page for Suburban Witchcraft Art & Literature Magazine which she created and publishes.


Cai is the host of Wednesday’s ‘Dream Interpretation’ prompt – our newest addition to the schedule.

You can find out more about Cai at her blog HERE.

Jim Adams

Jim is the host of our ‘Friday Faithfuls’ prompt.

Jim is a storyteller who likes to use his imagination.  He has a wide range of interests and is knowledgeable about many things, as reflected through the prompt topics on offer.
