Tale Weaver # 25 – When the Wicked Witch Visits.

Wicked witch

Image: © Rose’s Garden Used with permission

As of this week the Tale Weaver will incorporate the fairy tale prompt.

We will endeavour to at least once a month to provide a fairy tale task but some existing Tale Weaver tasks may be attempted as fairy tales, please feel free to explore the tasks as you wish to write as a fairy tale if so moved in that direction.

We appreciate your continued support of the Tale Weaver.

Weave a tale in which the wicked witch pays you a visit.

What happens?

Why you?

Why is she a wicked witch not just an unhappy one?

Does she bring particular spells and potions?

Does she change your life?

Please TAG your post: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Tale Weaver. Add your link to the MLMM image mr.linky. In case the tale weaver gremlins are at work, please link back to this post, as well.


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