Tale Weaver #182 – Strange Things in My Neighbourhood – August 2nd.


Image: Starfish fungus © morpethroad.

This week I am asking you to weave a tale about something strange/odd in your neighbourhood.

This could refer to your immediate location, your backyard, your street, your town.

The image above is of a starfish fungus I discovered in my garden. At first I thought it something alien. But investigation told me its identity. It survived for only a few hours, this one would have been big enough to sit in the palm of your hand. It was the first one I’d ever seen but I have since found a few smaller ones.

Your tale can be anything unusual you have experienced, be it plants, animals, family or whatever imaginative place you wish to go.

Please link your response using the linking tool below.


  1. Oh boy, with my neighbours, it won’t take much fiction to come up with a strange tale.
    Amazing thing you found in your garden. Sure its not an alien life form?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. […] MLMM Tale Weaver 182 Strange things in my neighborhood… Perhaps not so strange. Only that the lone Monarch was the first I’ve seen this whole spring and summer. Not so strange overgrown lawn, and any unwanted calls… leave strange messages. That is because most of the time robo calls can’t tell when they’ve reached a machine and just keep ‘talking…’ – and the noise from their ‘boiler room’ work spaces makes things hard to understand too. But not to worry about that – I just deleted them all… While not my photo of the Monarch I did manage to get two of my own… 🙂 […]


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