Writing Prompt #209 “It’s All in the Title”


Look at the titles below and choose one or more to construct a poem or story around. Also if you have pictures I can manipulate in the Dream Machine let me know!

Wish Breaker
Undisclosed Pathos
The Silver Violin
Children of the Wondering Moon
The Haunting of Cora Applebaum
Whispers in the Willow Trees
Psychic Chasms
When Fish Runaway
The War Inside of Us
The Town that Went Missing



    They assemble in the dark backyard
    and each child points out the twinkling star
    upon which he or she will voice aloud
    a wish no star light-years away could hear.
    Not one of them eyes the moon, that gold ball
    gracing them with radiant light. Can’t they see
    those craters filled to their brims with wishes
    answered? Can’t they see the giant moon face
    crease into yellow frowns, wondering why
    the playful children seek faraway stars
    and miss the moon for the galaxy?


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  2. Great titles – I’ve been sitting with them since the post when up and my mind is dancing – I could work these for months!

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      • honestly, with such infinite possibilities? it could become a sketchbook study of sorts, if only I had the attention span of more than a flea 😉

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      • Umm … yeah, you can – and I’m sure you will – because you have the spark and focus – this whole project of yours has you hooked, even if you don’t quite know why, or how it’s changed, morphed – or where it will ultimately lead – so, as long as it still has your soul, you will continue, and work it and through it and with it, of that I’m sure. 😀

        And in the mean time, the little “fluff” distractions are snippets of morsels that stretch and flex the mind and words in different ways, which is a good break or interruption, and often are part of a “larger project” process.

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      • This project has really put somethings into perspective for me. I have trouble with endings. I love beginnings. I am all fire in the beginning but endings break my heart and hence never finishing anything. I really need to finish this just to have come out on the otherside

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      • endings can be tough – but hey, if you’ve made it through more than the mid-way point, then that’s something too – because sometimes, the initial inspiration lights the fire, but then we lose interest, or can’t sustain it – and sometimes, that’s perfectly okay – but to actually work something through to an ending – especially after all the effort etc.? that’s an accomplishment, and you should be proud of your efforts – and one of the key differences between writing a story and poetry is that a story – whether a short story, a novella, a book – follows a “predictable” routine: start, middle, arc – and ending – whereas a poem is about capturing a moment. So maybe endings and your difficulty with them is significant because it means “closure” of some sort – but you know, sometimes that’s just what you have to do – because it needs to be done. And from a “writing” perspective, it can be satisfying to finally have this sense of “completion” even if you’re not sure of the outcome, or like how it’s turned out.

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      • I am always getting carried off by the tides, forever drowning it seems lol I think this is as much about therapy as anything learning to face myself, I know that I will grow as a writer going through this process even if the finished product isn’t any good. This will definitely push me

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      • it will be “good” – innately and naturally – just because …. it’s a process – and you’re right, sometimes our “projects” are just the means, ways and tools that help us deal with our actually “life lessons” and personal issues …. so, why not …. it’s not always easy, but attitude counts for so much …. might as well use time and energy in ways that the means are purposeful for us 🙂

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  3. […] https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2017/05/28/writing-prompt-207-its-all-in-the-title/ …Look at the titles below and choose one or more to construct a poem or story around:  Wish Breaker; Undisclosed Pathos; The Silver Violin; Children of the Wondering Moon; The Haunting of Cora Applebaum; Whispers in the Willow Trees; Psychic Chasms; When Fish Runaway; The War Inside of Us; The Town that Went Missing. […]


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