Bonus Wordle #2

Bonus Wordle 2

  1. Gnarler (via Yves) A little dog that by his barking alerts his people that there is a burglar inside the house.
  2. Chirping Merry (via Yves) Exhilarated with liquor.
  3. Jabber (via Yves) To talk thick and fast, sometimes to speak in a foreign tongue
  4. Gregorian Tree (via Yves) The gallows.
  5. Honey-peeler (via Yves) A person who manipulates through seduction. Honey-peel is the act of manipulation through seduction
  6. Lentamente (via Bastet) Italian for slowly.
  7. Muore (via Bastet) Italian for dies.
  8. Makisig (via Ladylee) Filipino for handsome.
  9. Malakas (via Ladylee) Filipino for powerful or strong.
  10.  Lazulitopian (via J Lapis) “One who resides in a mental world of blue perfection; flourishing at optimal emotional, spiritual rest when surrounded, submerged in blue—all shades, all day and indigo night.”
  11.  Moje Dziecko (via Pat) Polish for “My Baby”
  12. Nudnik (via Cressida) Yiddish for a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore.

We had some words that didn’t fit into last weeks wordle so I have added them now. If I have forgotten anyone’s word please leave me a note in the comments and I will put it in next week. Some of you may not have realized you were contributing this time hehe. I didn’t have enough for a full Wordle so I had to put in the rest myself. If you are wondering my words come from the “1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue” by Captain Grose which I got for my birthday except honey-peeler which comes from the Planescape Torment dictionary.

Same rules as last week. Btw let me say how incredibly impressed I was with last weeks Wordle, everyone used as many words as they possibly could so bravo to you my lovelies!

Choose at least 1 word from the list (the actual word does not have to appear in the poem but you must convey the meaning)

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

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  1. What a grand list! I didn’t realize that one of my fave words is right there–“Jabber”, I can jabber more than almost anybody! Wonderful list–I’ll rest up and tackle it later in the week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Gnarler (via Yves) A little dog that by his barking alerts his people that there is a burglar inside the house. Chirping Merry (via Yves) Exhilarated with liquor. Jabber (via Yves) To talk thick and fast, sometimes to speak in a foreign tongue Gregorian Tree (via Yves) The gallows. Honey-peeler (via Yves) A person who manipulates through seduction. Honey-peel is the act of manipulation through seduction Lentamente (via Bastet) Italian for slowly. Muore (via Bastet) Italian for dies. Makisig (via Ladylee) Filipino for powerful and strong. Malakas (via Ladylee) Filipino for handsome. Lazulitopian (via J Lapis) “One who resides in a mental world of blue perfection; flourishing at optimal emotional, spiritual rest when surrounded, submerged in blue—all shades, all day and indigo night.” Moje Dziecko (via Pat) Polish for “My Baby” Nudnik (via Cressida) Yiddish for a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore. […]


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