Monday Wordle #45 – January 26, 2015

Wordle 45 Jan. 26

Wordle 45 January 26

The wordle contains 12 words those words are:

  1. Force
  2. Body
  3. Astral
  4. Stupor
  5. Drizzle
  6. Jaw
  7. Pride
  8. Chord
  9. Blinding
  10. Reckless
  11. Prevaricate (to speak falsely, to give the wrong impression)
  12. Fixture


Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.


Once you’ve completed your post, please tag: Mindlovesmisery’s Menagerie and Wordle.  Ping us back or put you post’s address into the comments and add your info to the Mr. Linky! Thanks and ciao, Bastet.




  1. I wrote a very strange meld of wordle 45 and 46. I’m not sure I should’ve hit publish — especially after reading the excellent submissions for both!


    • Ach … I’ve often felt like that, as do many writers actually. I’ve been forced off line and have had connection problems for a few weeks now … hopefully some of the problem has been resolved … I’m so sorry I’ve not been able to participate and indeed even read a lot of my favorite writers… including you.


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