Finish Off Fridays #1: Privet’s Farm 11.11.16

Something new this week, alternating with Sanaa’s Friday Night Music Prompt, Finish off Fridays (FoF). Barbara Beacham hosted Mondays Finish the Story flash fiction prompt until her passing in 2015.

FoF will work on the same principle: I provide a picture prompt and an opening sentence. You finish the story using an additional 100 to 150 words.

Don’t forget to include the photo and the opening sentence in your post. Tag with Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, Finish Off Fridays, and flash fiction. Link (ping-back to this post), and Mr. Linky awaits your click.

I hope you will join my new adventure on mlmm.


Privet’s Farm, isolated from other farms sat exposed to the elements.

If you have any photographs you’d like to submit for FoF, let me know in the comments section or through the contacts page of my blog: my frilly freudian slip. 


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