Tale Weaver #50: “sending out an SOS”

I’ll send an SOS to the world
I’ll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, yeah
Message in a bottle, hoh
Message in a bottle, yeah
Sendin’ out an SOS
Sendin’ out an SOS

The Police, “Message in a Bottle.”

In Tale Weaver 42: The mis[…]s, I suggested tale weavering using “[p]lot devices such as mistaken identities, misheard conversations, misdirected messages, misconstrued events, miscalculated plans have driven stories for the eons.”

Another literary-cinematic plot effect is the “distress call.” The hero receives a half-finished letter, a “help me” phone call cut short before any site given; a complete stranger picks up a “message in a bottle,” or a wayward tweet begging for help. Different time frames and spaces create a variety of distress messages, and their reception. From outer space, from inner space, from another century, from a parallel universe. However received, the distress call sets the hero on a path of self-discovery and chivalry/rescue.

So, for Tale Weaver 50, play around with the distress call – SOS concept. Time, place, characters, length – all in your hands! Free standing or part of a larger work. Weave a tale of despair and hope; rescue and salvation; misunderstanding and adventure.

While I’m waiting for someone to answer my distress call, I’ll look forward to reading your stories of SOS.

When you write your post, please include a link back to this page, and include the tags Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Tale Weaver. Drop by and click on the MLMM link. Or, you can include the url to your post in the comment section. So folks can answer your distress call, your SOS. 


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