Tale Weaver #48: snow drops

snow drops by taleweavering

Snow drops. Amazing little flowers. With a few rays of wan winter sunlight warming the soil, they push up through frozen ground, through skiffs of snow, to grow green when all is grey, winter, white, brown, leaden. Delicate blossoms, belaying their power and resiliency, flower white against white.

Icy breath and raw death drifts only slow them down for a while. Bloom in January. Stay silent and hidden in February. Melt in early March reveals snow drops, waiting for the other spring bulbs to catch up.

Snow drops are a mantra. That a hard life, a harsh life doesn’t mean there is no beauty, no triumphs, no hope, no promise. The snow drops I watch now can survive the snows that will come.

Tale Weavers – set up your loom and write a story about fighting adversity and beating the odds. It can be symbolic, like my snow drops, a saga (or part thereof), a dream sequence, a piece of flash (fiction). Write something to warm the soul and spirit on a cold, winter’s night.*

* Sometimes we don’t beat the winter blues; the snow is too deep to walk through. There are dark storm-laden clouds scudding our bleak lives. If you want to write about the dark side of this, it’s your choice. 

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.

Christina Rossetti

When you write your post, please include a link back to this page, and the tags Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Tale Weaver. Drop by and click on the MLMM link. Leave a comment – you can include the url to your post in the comment section if you like.

Looking forward to reading your heart-warming or heart-freezing tales: cocktails or cocoa.


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