Wordle #90 “December 21, 2015”

Week 90


2. Etiolate (to cause to become weakened or sickly; drain of color or vigor.)

3. Vague

4. Murmur

5. Obsequious (characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference;fawning)

6. Nightshade

7. Narcissist

8. Zenith

9. Lost

10. Table

11. Areola (a ring of color, as around the human nipple. A small interstice, as between the fibers of connective tissue.)

12. Wide

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem (these are hard!)

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

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  1. […] https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/wordle-90-december-21-2015/ 1.Hearse 3. Vague 4. Murmur 6. Nightshade 7. Narcissist 8. Zenith 9. Lost 10. Table 12. Wide 2. Etiolate (to cause to become weakened or sickly; drain of color or vigor.) 5. Obsequious (characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference;fawning) 11. Areola (a ring of color, as around the human nipple. A small interstice, as between the fibers of connective tissue.) […]


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