First Line Friday: November 8th, 2019

stjohnsbridgeIt is First Line Friday! Welcome and let’s get writing.

Below, I give you the first line, and you all get to write the rest. This prompt alternates with Jim’s Music Prompts, so make sure to check back next Friday for some musical inspiration.

I’ll provide the first line, you get to write whatever comes afterward. Length, genre, and structure are completely up to you. Feel free to modify the line as you see fit, adding punctuation, quotes, or other bits if so desired. No need to tie it to the picture, unless you want to.

Or for more of a challenge, change nothing. You have a week to write it, enjoy!

Include the first line of course! Tag it Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Fridays, and short fiction. Create a link (ping-back) to this post and add your link to Mister Linky below.

Your line for this week is:

“Never burn a bridge you could push them off later.” 


  1. […] This piece is written in 50 word increments. It includes the literary prompt provided by 50 word Thursday ““Only Agatha knew that she might be about to commit bigamy.”   – Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage – M.C. Beaton. And begins with the line, “Never burn a bridge you could push them off later.” that was provided by First Line Friday on MLMM by Dylan Hughes […]


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