Wordle #195

Week 189.png
1. Clutch

2. Escalate

3. Propinquity (n)) nearness in place; proximity. Nearness of relation; kinship. Affinity of nature; similarity. Nearness in time.)

4. Swagger

5. Bikini

6. Hawaii

7. Waves

8. Sempiternal (everlasting, eternal)

9. Surf

10. Nene (a barred, gray-brown wild goose, state bird of Hawaii)

11. Driftwood

12. Orange

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

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Ps: Please put your favorite word in the comments (not from the Wordle I mean in general)


  1. Hawaii resonates with propinquity, between the wild geese, amazing scenery and beaches awash with driftwood. The crashing waves forced the surfer to clutch her orange bikini while the lifeguards swagger about.

    Liked by 1 person

      • (That’s my ‘new’ site ‘Jewels (?-the daily short verse – other wise I have no clue) I have to approve everything every time… less spam that way… You can comment – it just won’t show until I let it…- thanks.)


      • Umm… that was the fiction site. I have no clue as to why you would have an issue as you’ve commented there before. Could be at your end?

        Thank you.


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