Bonus Wordle

Welcome to this week’s wordle – and as a wonderful surprise, we have a guest!

Mark is a regular here at MLMM and his main place for posting is Coloring Outside The Lines. Stop by and drop him a line in appreciation. He has come up with this set of words and a wonderful “word phrase” – so off we go – set your creative writing caps on and let yourself run wild.

So – 12 words – use at least 10. They can be used in alternate forms. Create some flash, some poetry, or whatever works for you. And bonus points if you can use the wonderful word phrase/line he included with his list.

Include the tags MLMM and/or Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle in your posts. Create your links and pingbacks here and visit Mr. Linky and link up with the group. And you have a week to play 🙂

Enjoy and thanks Mark  😀


1. Favissa (a cache of sacred objects that are no longer in use)

2. Arkwright  (a skilled craftsman who produces wooden chests or coffers (Arks))

3. Crimson

4. Corset

5.  Delve

6. Cacophony (discordant and mixture of harsh sounds)

7. Imp (a little devil or demon, an evil spirit, or mischievous child)

8. Pyre

9. Reflection

10. Subterfuge

11. Clandestine

12. Flutter

Extra twisted bonus phrase “Someone is walking over my grave”  (a sudden response to a sudden [inexplicable] shudder or shivering [usually a cold, goose-flesh sensation])

*the notes in [ ] are mine – otherwise, this is Mark’s exact list*


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