New Year’s Eve Flash Bash


Welcome to a New Year’s Eve Flash Bash. Tonight, I’m offering up a buffet table of flash fiction for you to sample from. I hope there is one that piques your interest.


Flash One: In 25 words or less: Using one of the photos provided, write a story in 25 words or less. Beginning, middle and end.


Or Flash Two: Tweet-tweet: Using one of the photos provided, write a tale of no more than 142 characters (thanks to Kat of like mercury colliding and her Twittering Tales for inspiration). Use this handy character counter when composing.


Or Flash Three: Selfies from the Edge: Take a selfie, post it and a piece of flash fiction (100 to 150 words) based on your picture. Include the selfie in your post.

img_20160916_121656923Or Flash Four: Traditional Fare: Using one of the photos provided, write a story of 100 to 150 words. (Thanks to Priceless Joy of FFfAW, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields of Friday Fictioneers, and Al of Sunday Photo Fiction for inspiration)


Or Flash Five: Pot Luck: Choose a photo (yours or someone else’s – give accreditation) and write a piece of flash fiction 75 to 200 words based on the photo.


In all versions, please include the photo in your post. Tags: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, Flash Bash, flash. Create links (ping-backs) to this post and remember Mr. Linky awaits your click.


Since this is my party, my rules, you can submit your flash bash entries after midnight. And, one more champagne-induced indulgence: 75 to 200 words will work fine tonight – I’ll be counting down not up!


The idea is to have fun with a few different forms of flash – only a sampling of the many that are out there in the creative blogosphere.


Wishing you a bright, brilliant and flash{y} 2017. Let’s write together. All photos: (c) Lorraine


  1. whoo hoo! this sounds like fun …. and oh the possibilities …. this has me excited…. and that’s saying something right about now …. and since my new year’s eve (following on the heels of my birthday which was less than stellar – again) will be spent in the company of Don Cherry and Ron Maclean, as the Penguins take on the Habs? Well, flash me starkers and maybe I’ll be inspired to have some real fun here.

    Great ideas and images Lorraine 🙂


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