Wordle #123 “October 3rd, 2016”


1. Guttersnipe (Noun. A person belonging to or characteristic of the lowest social group in city. A street urchin.)

2. Chorus

3. Birdcage

4. Spectral

5. Late

6. Break

7. Dusk

8. Serve

9. Crow’s mile (The walk of the condemned to the place of his execution.)

10. Button

11. Brawl

12. Inertia

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

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  1. […] https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2016/10/03/wordle-123-october-3rd-2016/ 1. Guttersnipe (Noun. A person belonging to or characteristic of the lowest social group in a city. A street urchin.) 9. Crow’s mile (The walk of the condemned to the place of his execution.)2. Chorus 3. Birdcage 4. Spectral 5. Late 6. Break 7. Dusk 8. Serve 10. Button 11. Brawl 12. Inertia […]


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