B&P’s Shadorma and Beyond – Loop Poetry – October 24, 2015

Jacek Yerka. A Door. WikiArt.

Greetings from Paloma, and welcome to another B&P’s Shadorma and Beyond!

For this week I’d like to introduce you to the Loop Poem.  This was featured as part of OctPoWriMo, where I discovered it through J Lapis at Dark Light Harbor.

Here are the guidelines:

1)  No restrictions on the number of stanzas or the syllable count for each line;

2)  For each stanza, the last word of the first line becomes the first word of line two,
the last word of line 2 becomes the first word of line 3,
and the last word of line 3 becomes the first word of line 4;

3)  The rhyme scheme is abcb.

Wojciech Siudmak. Door. WikiArt.

Here is an example of a Loop Poem created by J Lapis:

Was it the deep sea gaze, your eyes —

Eyes unaware, meeting mine?

Mine locked (lost key) for always, into yours.

Yours (heart-distant door, indigo shore), love’s mystery can’t define.

© J Lapis, 2015

For your inspiration, you may look to the artwork or to this song by The Doors!  Of course … if you have a piece of music, a photo, or your own artwork that inspires you, please feel free to use them.

You may also write a Shadormaa non-rhyming six-line poem with a syllable count of 3 / 5/ 3 / 3 / 7 / 5.

Once you’ve completed your poem, please tag B&P’s Shadorma & Beyond and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and link up with Mr. Linky below.

Have a great week everyone!


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