Wordle #76 “August 31, 2015″

Week 76

1. Sterile

2. Dull

3. Rivulet

4. Barley

5. Volitant (engaged in or having the power of flight. Active; moving.)

6. Phlegm

7. Embasan (to wear clothes while taking a bath)

8. Precarious

9. Sanatorium (a hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases, as tuberculosis or various nervous or mental disorders.)

10. File

11. Sombre (it is just the British spelling of somber use whichever form you prefer)

12. Soup

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

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      • Well I have multiple methods

        1. I signed up at Dictionary.com to get the word of the day emailed to me and I use those sometimes. I also read through old word of the day lists.
        2. I read a lot and while reading I scribble words I like down
        3. I look up things like words with beautiful meanings or beautiful foreign words that the English language should borrow. I also use various slang dictionaries. I even take words from games, books, or movies that have an invented language. Planescape Torment is a good one. I intend to go digging in The Clockwork Orange dictionary as well muahaha
        4. Whenever hubbie finds a cool word he tells me and I write it down and of course sometimes my readers suggest words or I read words in their poems that I like
        5. When looking for more ordinary words I used scrabble word finders. I have a list of all the words I have used and I scan through it to avoid using the same words over and over. In the beginning I didn’t do that but I noticed I am prone to repetition lol

        That is how I locate them. I usually like to have 2 words that are more unusual/challenging. I like old words because there are so many beautiful words forgotten over time that I want to bring back. I learn words all the time from making these people think I know all these words but I want it to be challenging for myself as well. I always go with 12 I find I like that amount and when making the list I go on feel which is hard to explain but I am picky about which words I group. I sometimes do leading wordles where I sort of set up a scene and other times I go with a more random approach,

        That was more than you ever wanted to know I really like making Wordles though it is actually very therapeutic kind of like making a poem in a more abstract, random sort of way


  1. WP has been having some issues of late…I got the Heeding Haiku post and the Photo challenge prompt but not the Wordle. But since I come for one I see them all…
    I combine the Wordle and Photo prompts. I just haven’t posted it yet.

    As always Thank you for a great list and I hope you enjoy my unique perspective, which started out short and then grew.. but still just a page in length. Hopefully I will be able to post it this evening, maybe after dinner.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2015/08/31/wordle-76-august-31-2015%E2%80%B3/ 1. Sterile 2. Dull 3. Rivulet 4. Barley 6. Phlegm 8. Precarious 10. File 5. Volitant (engaged in or having the power of flight. Active; moving.) 7. Embasan (to wear clothes while taking a bath) 12. Soup 9. Sanatorium (a hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases, as tuberculosis or various nervous or mental disorders.) 11. Sombre (it is just the British spelling of somber use whichever form you prefer) […]


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