Heeding Haiku With HA: A Gift

Well, it’s the twentieth day of the month of May and it is also my birthday; the latter being an inconsequential fact. I do not like birthdays anymore. Just like that. It is not that I am of an age when I begin to worry about ageing and start looking into the mirror everyday to count my wrinkles. It is just an age when an year added or subtracted doesn’t really matter anymore.

When we are kids, we eagerly wait for our birthdays. And for some, birthdays are a special occasion after growing up as well. It is after all your day, when you can have a party, cut a cake, invite your friends to your place or go some place good, spend quality time with your family, etc.

But what are we actually celebrating; the day that we were born or yet another year that has gone? I wonder.

But since it’s my birthday, I would like to gift you a prompt. Do whatsoever you want to do with it. Meaning to say, you can pen down anything of your choice based on any theme you want, given that it is a haiku or tanka or both and make a post and share it with us.

And how about playing a game? Games are an intrinsic part of parties, right? Let’s have a sort of renga session. We will do it the easy way. I would begin with a haiku, and the first person to comment would write one, beginning with the last line of my haiku and adding two lines to it. The next person would take the last line of the previously penned haiku, add two lines to it and post it. And so on and so forth. This way, we’d have some fun in the comments section this week. Maybe, that is the gift that I want from you all.

So, here I begin:

her small hands
touching the temple bell-
an imprint of innocence

Not a very good one. But my haiku skills have become rusty. And I am publishing haiku writing prompts. How delightful. 😀

What to do next?

1. Publish a post with your haiku or tanka if you have a blog. If you haven’t got a blog, you can share them in the comments down below. In case you have published a post, you can submit its link in the linking widget.

2. After you have made the post, take some of your time and visit the links of other participants. This is how we learn and improvise. Return again at the end of the week if you have made your post during the weekdays because there would be new links to visit, which would help us all to make connections and develop the feeling of community and togetherness in our adventure every week. Even if you can’t take out the time to visit all the links, then visit at least the link shared before or after you and offer your feedback and develop comradeship with that person.

You can also add the following tags to your post: HeedingHaikuWithHA andMindLoveMisery’sMenagerie.

Image source


  1. Happy Birthday HA

    her small hands
    touching the temple bell
    an imprint of innocence

    an imprint of innocence
    beautifully trimmings gift wrapped
    what lies underneath

    behind the sweet face
    of a buddha lies the heart
    of a scorpion


  2. Happy Birthday HA!!!

    of a scorpion
    amazing energy shines
    cheers on your birthday

    cheers on your birthday
    celebrate it with style
    with loved ones around


    • The contrast is beautiful. How when our loved ones are around, we long for some alone time and when they are not there, we long for their company.
      Heart breaking.
      Thanks for contributing to this sort of renga session. 🙂


  3. she longs for company
    pink carnations in a vase
    love through mail

    We share the same birth day. ^^ Wishing you a happy birthday and a lovely new year for you.


    • Happy Birthday to you too. I am sorry for being late in wishing you. Have a great year ahead. 🙂
      Thanks for sharing your lovely haiku with us. Those carnations must make her feel better, for someone remembered her. Or at least I hope so.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. he writes great haiku –
    provides prompts for me and you
    let us share this gift

    let us share this gift
    of words well worth amending
    the tone and spirit


  5. […] https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2015/05/20/heeding-haiku-with-ha-a-gift/ And how about playing a game? Games are an intrinsic part of parties, right? Let’s have a sort of renga session. We will do it the easy way. I would begin with a haiku, and the first person to comment would write one, beginning with the last line of my haiku and adding two lines to it. The next person would take the last line of the previously penned haiku, add two lines to it and post it. And so on and so forth. This way, we’d have some fun in the comments section this week. Maybe, that is the gift that I want from you all. Please see the comments section of this MLMM Post for the names of all the contributors to this ongoing piece…eventually I hope to add all that contribute. […]


  6. Oops. I used the wrong last line. I’ll try again

    The tone and spirit
    lifts us to a higher plain
    singing joy to our souls


  7. Hi, new here via Margo Roby’s blog, but May 20 is my birthday as well, so there must be something special going on! Happy Birthday to all.

    a gift of life
    our atoms pulse together
    in spring-kissed breeze


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