Wordle #54 “March 30, 2015

Week 55

The wordle contains 12 words those words are:

  1. Click
  2. Dial
  3. Infinitesimal
  4. Regulation
  5. Designation
  6. Platitude (a trite dull or obvious remark)
  7. Sheaf
  8. Modron (see explanation below)
  9. Inferior
  10. Tread
  11. Clarity
  12. Calibrate


For an explanation of what Modron are go here:


And here is a bio of an actual Modron


There is also an alternate and vastly different meaning


I decided to throw you a curb ball here. You may substitute Modron with any form of technology (television, telephone, microwave, vacuum, computer etc.)  or if you prefer to go with the other meaning you can substitute Modron with Mother.  Or you can write about a mother figure who is a piece of technology. If you are courageous though go to Wikipedia and check it out ,-)


Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.


“Once you’ve completed your post, please tag: Mindlovesmisery’s MenagerieandWordle.  Ping us back or put you post’s address into the comments and add your info to the Mr. Linky! Thanks and ciao, Bastet.”


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