Writing Prompt #99 “Vernalagnia” March 22, 2015


Vernalagnia is the romantic mood heralded by spring. Flowers in bloom, the opening of the chrysalis, reproduction cycles, sunshine and downpour, renewal. Given the heaviness of the previous two prompts I thought we could use something light. refreshing and dare I say romantic. Love poems, lustful poems, nature poems, hopeful philosophical poems take your pick =)

When you have written your poem(s), please TAG MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie. Then add your link to the Mister Linky widget below.



      • It is the prompts that help to write the story. They give me direction. There is always that challenge to see which character will fit best not only with MLM prompts but with the other prompts too. And then for the Brian Strong series to see which ‘electrical’ word will best fit the written piece – as more times than not I put the title to the piece last. I have a list of all the electric words I want to eventually use. I’m not sure what will happen when I run out of compatible word for titles 🙂 Maybe that will be when the story ends? Or maybe not? 😉

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    • I am glad =) This is going to sound strange but my name isn’t Amber it isn’t even a penname or anything I use it is problem with my Google account. I can’t post to Blogger sites using WordPress (sometimes depends of the settings on the individual site) so all that is left that works is the Google Account which continues to refer to me as Amber even though I have changed it. I think my account is sentient and named Amber lol

      The name I use online is Yves


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