“Wave Machine*” Photo Challenge #42 – 6 January, 2015


Photo Credits: Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Photo Credits: Arno Rafael Minkkinen

Yves says:

Use the above image as inspiration for a poem or short-story.
If you are an artist or photographer use this as an opportunity to showcase your own work.
You have 1 week to complete this challenge.
Please credit the artist … and have fun!


* This is not the official name given to the photo by its creator but the name of the prompt.



  1. She began to
    cover the earth
    with Her hands
    trying to stop the
    trying to protect
    what She had made
    the gifts She had
    given to those
    who casually killed
    Her beauty
    Her vision
    Her love

    Mother Nature
    is not one
    to let things slide
    She will rid the earth
    of this disease

    when the humans
    are gone
    the earth
    will be a Peaceful garden

    and breathing
    a great a great sigh of relief
    Mother Nature
    will create Her art
    without interruption


    • Moving poem and so adapted to the photograph … let’s hope that humans can learn to become a peaceful productive part of Mother Nature’s world instead of kicking Mom in the shins all the time.


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