Heeding Haiku With HA: Instinctual Thoughts and Raw Creations

There is a change in the way the air felt this evening. There is a mild crispness to it and its moist tentacles cling to my skin. That is a weird way of explaining the actual touch of the wind but sometimes, these are the best explanations that we can come up with. Not every word that we use to craft a poetic piece needs to be perfect. I find no beauty in something so perfect, that it loses the humane touch of the craftsman. I rather look forward to finding and embracing the rawness of the art.

Writing, like music, is best when allowed to flow along undetermined and unexpercted turns. We follow forms and structures when we write but to be flexible and molding the set standards sound like a fun thing to do. Something unusual and out of ordinary and personal is always welcome in written words.

Thus, this week, I would like you to be raw and unusual in your creations. Get yourselves be guided by the artist within you and let the eyes see, the ears hear, the lips mumble, the cheeks blush and the chest heave rhythmic thrusts, and flow in the rivers of instinctual thoughts and write a haiku or tanka or both.

What to do next?

1. Publish a post with your haiku or tanka if you have a blog. If you haven’t got a blog, you can share them in the comments down below. In case you have published a post, you can submit its link in the linking widget.

2. After you have made the post, take some of your time and visit the links of other participants. This is how we learn and improvise. Return again at the end of the week if you have made your post during the weekdays because there would be new links to visit, which would help us all to make connections and develop the feeling of community and togetherness in our adventure every week. Even if you can’t take out the time to visit all the links, then visit at least the link shared before or after you and offer your feedback and develop comradeship with that person.


Happy Writing!

You can also add the following tags to your post: HeedingHaikuWithHA and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie.


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