Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt #4 – April 20, 2014


Last week I’m happy to say many of our readers participated in creating some very interesting shadorma from the photo prompt provided.

Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt # 3 – A Past Time | Morpethroad

BASTET’S SHADORMA PHOTO PROMPT # 3 “Veranda”|Mindlovemisery

The rendezvous – (shadorma)|Traces of Soul

Two-faced lamp post… I smolder with night | howanxious

SHADORMA #5 | My Silent Escapes

Bastet’s Shadorma Photo Prompt #3: Echoes|Reading Pleasure

Arco – Shadorma (and some history) NapoWriMo 2014|Bastet and Sekhmet’s Library

Thanks for your participation…and hope you’ll be able to find some time to read these interesting poems!

Last week we had a lovely full moon.  A full moon is often interpreted in the romantic sense, other times with something involving magic,  sometimes with evil or maybe just the wrong time to cut one’s hair or plant certain plants… So today’s photo is about the fool moon and from that photo…keeping in mind all the various things associated with the full moon let’s write shadorma!



First spring moon
Moat reflects lamp lights
Mid-night blue
Boats bob in the  black water
We walk hand in hand.

A shadorma is composed of six non-rhyming lines (sestina or sextet) and the syllable pattern is 3-5-3-3-7-5.  It can have as many stanzas as you like, just as long as each stanza follows the syllable pattern mentioned above (I’ve written an example shadorma and numbered my syllables to show how it’s done for you newbies to poetry).  You have a week to create you shadorma so be patient and let the photo inspire you!

Once you’ve written your post tag:  Shadorma and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, then put your info onto the Mr. Linky app!  If you ping me back, I’ll be able to read your post asap…That’s all there is to it!

See you next week and have fun!  Bastet!



  1. Sorry I posted my Sunday post. I truly believed it was Sunday I have fixed it now though I get confused in the holidays when everyone has a different schedule. Great prompt XD.


    • It was really a great one…unfortunately there was one shot that got away…The full moon over Riva’s fortress near the front gate…sigh!


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