Lucky Dip – Saturday Mix, 30 March 2024

Welcome to the Saturday Mix – Lucky Dip, 30 March 2024!

lucky dip (noun). a game in which small objects are concealed in a container and chosen at random.

Your story cubes this week are:

Cube pictures: musical note, person in a hat reading, aeroplane, umbrella, soccer ball, binoculars, egg and bacon.

Use these in your response, which may be either poetry or prose.

Good luck with your ‘Lucky Dip’ – I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Don’t forget to tag ‘Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie’, ‘Saturday Mix’, and hashtag #LuckyDip.

As always, make sure you link to your fabulous creation via the comments or pingback.


  1. God I hated surveilance.
    It could be quite boring at times. The only good part of my job was the delicious free breakfast I had this morning at the B&B. I’m a detective, I was hired by a woman who suspected her husband was cheating. He was a top futbol player with Manchester United. A very handsome American has just checked into the B&B. Mr. Yates and the American are embracing, but not romantically. The American is humming a tune and Mr. Yates hands him a book. It appears to be a book of sheet music. Nothing nefarious appears to going on. I call Mrs. Yates to assure her of my findings. This was easy money, I haven’t gone on holiday in quite awhile, I booked a flight to Ibiza. It looks like rain today, I forgot my umbrella but no worries, I’ll be outta here in no time.


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