Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, January 20th 2021, (special) Death Poems

Dear friends of MLMM,

Welcome at a new episode of Heeding Haiku With … This week I have a “special” for you. Let me explain first why I have chosen to create a special episode. As you (maybe) know I am an oncology nurse and with Covid-19 that brings a lot of work … but also a lot to cope with … people dying of Covid-19.

I am working in a nursing home for the elderly people and we have a Covid-19 outbreak. Recently my mom died (January 5th 2021) as a result of Covid-19. She lived at the nursing home were I am working, so it hit me hard. On the same day as my mom died, we lost two other elderly to Covid-19. It is tough, but I have to cope with it.

That’s the reason why I have chosen for this special episode about dead poems or Jisei. Maybe you are familiar with the Jisei of Matsuo Basho (1644-1694):

Sick on my journey,
only my dreams will wander
these desolate moors

© Matsuo Basho

It’s one of the most beautiful Jisei in my opinion. In 2016 my dad died and that gave me the gorgeous thought to create a Jisei for him:

bare branches
a painting against the blue sky
leaves under my feet

© Chèvrefeuille

And, as I told you above, recently my mom died. Here is the Jisei that I wrote for her:

lost in her thoughts
she searches for the dead
between the living

© Chèvrefeuille

Well … now it’s up to you. Create a death poem, maybe for a loved one you lost or maybe you have already thought about your own death poem. Here is the one I once created:

morning dew
evaporates in the early sunlight –
spirit climbs to the sky

© Chèvrefeuille

Have fun!

When you have written your haiku, please TAG Heeding Haiku with Chèvrefeuille and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie. Then add your link to the Mister Linky widget below.


  1. Dear Chèvrefeuille;

    Please accept my heartfelt condolences on your loss.
    We also had a loss last year but it was just before our lockdown here.

    I have a collection of verse to help cope with bereavement that I wrote put together when my own father passed. It is a short collection which I would be happy to email you if you would like it. Please let email me to let me know as I am not sure if I have your current email.

    I will be back to fulfil this prompt in some manner. Respectfully, Jules


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