Photo Challenge #168

– Cetrobo

Use above image as inspiration for a poem or short story.


If you are an artist or photographer, use this as an opportunity to showcase your own work.

You have 1 week to complete this challenge.

Please credit the artist!

When you’re done, TAG the post Photo Challenge and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie, and add your link to the Link Button. Also don’t forget to link to this post or copy your post’s URL into the comments. We can read your post sooner that way.


    [inspired by artwork by Cetrobo]

    Dressed in black, she faces the black night
    unafraid. She balances herself
    with arms like wings extended in thrust
    and push, each foot locked in the crevice of rock
    that she lifts from polished stone to stone,
    cautious of the slippery algae
    or the mirrored mountain ice, slick and perilous.

    It might be a dream. It might be reality,
    but nimbly she trudges on out there
    as though she has an appointment to keep,
    a promise, a vow made in an absurd moment,
    an allegiance to the inner voice
    that urges her on to prove her courage
    by melding into the dark and becoming night.



    • as though she has an appointment to keep,
      a promise, a vow made in an absurd moment,

      I really loved the flow of these lines, and the vow made in an absurd moment is just so delicious an idea ….

      lovely reading of the image 🙂


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