B&P’s Shadorma & Beyond – Shadorma – January 2, 2016

Nicholas Roerich.  Prologue. Forest.  1908.  WikiArt.

Greetings friends, and Happy New Year!

Today it is raining in Pennsylvania – after a week of fog and temperatures in the 50s and 60s.  It hit 70 degrees at Christmastime, but as I write it is snowing at my friend’s house.

Snow!   And here my grass is still green!

So, for today we will look at snow at B&P’s Shadorma and Beyond.  Here is a treasure of a haiku pair written by John Tiong Chunghoo, when he first saw snow:

my first winter
the snow flutters
my heart flutters

my friends are stunned
me too
these cotton bulbs from heavens

For this week you may choose any poetic form you like, but I think it would be good to return to the shadorma once again – the core of this B&P feature.


The Shadorma is a poetic form consisting of a six-line stanza (or sestet). The form is alleged to have originated in Spain. Each stanza has a syllable count of three syllables in the first line, five syllables in the second line, three syllables in the third and fourth lines, seven syllables in the fifth line, and five syllables in the sixth line (3/5/3/3/7/5) for a total of 26 syllables. A poem may consist of one stanza, or an unlimited number of stanzas (a series of shadormas).

Once you’ve completed your poem please link to us and then add your post coordinates to the Mr. Linky app. Please also tag your work B&P’s Shadorma and Beyond and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie.

Have fun!


  1. […]  “The Shadorma is a poetic form consisting of a six-line stanza (or sestet). The form is alleged to have originated in Spain. Each stanza has a syllable count of three syllables in the first line, five syllables in the second line, three syllables in the third and fourth lines, seven syllables in the fifth line, and five syllables in the sixth line (3/5/3/3/7/5) for a total of 26 syllables. A poem may consist of one stanza, or an unlimited number of stanzas (a series of shadormas).” Taken from B & P’s Shadorma & Beyond. […]


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