Music Prompt #14: “Kettering” performed by The Antlers

Hello again!

Mighty Fall has come around again bringing spiked apple cider and raking accessories. Personally, I am gearing up for NaNoWriMo this coming November. It is a challenge taken on by participants from all walks of life, all nationalities.

Never fear, I will still be here to provide you with music to enjoy and make great art. 🙂


I wish that I had known in that first minute we met, the unpayable debt that I owed you.

‘Cause you’d been abused by that bone that refused you, and you hired me to make up for that.

Walking in that room when you had tubes in your arms, those singing morphine alarms out of tune.
They kept you sleeping and even, and I didn’t believe them when they called you a hurricane thunderclap.

When I was checking vitals I suggested a smile. You didn’t talk for awhile, you were freezing.
You said you hated my tone, it made you feel so alone, and so you told me I ought to be leaving.

But something kept me standing by that hospital bed, I should have quit but instead I took care of you.
You made me sleep all uneven, and I didn’t believe them when they told me that there was no saving you.

Writer(s): Peter Silberman, Peter Joseph Silberman, Dominik Schauer
Copyright: Distressor Songs, Edition One Louder
Photo Courtesy of  Helmut Buechner via Smithsonian Institution

Use the above song as inspiration for any form of creative expression (including but not limited too short stories, poems, lyrics, artwork, photography, covers, music/dance videos etc.)


If you are a musician use this as an opportunity to showcase your own work.

You have 1 week to complete this challenge.

You do not have to include the video but please mention the song/artist in your post.

When you’re done, TAG the post Music Challenge and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, and add your link to the Link Button. And don’t forget to link to this post or copy your post’s URL into the comments. We can read your post sooner that way.


  1. Admin error! Somehow I relinked myself to my response to my prompt (tale weaver).
    Haven’t even really checked out Friday yet!
    Ooops, those little gremlins! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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