Heeding Haiku With HA: Worlds of Our Own Making

Things do not always turn out to be the same as we think they would. The perceived idea and the reality is sometimes contrary to each other. I am one of those who conjures some great ideas or mental images about something and end up getting disappointed because the reality of it isn’t as enthralling as I thought it would be or it is rather appalling. And thus, I find it a little hard to adapt myself to my surroundings and I tend to dwell in the world that is me: a creation of my mind.

What do you see when you close your eyes? What is your personal world?

I have often said to others, “We live in a world of our own making?”

Do you agree with me or do you not? In any case, do share the images you see imprinted on the film of your mind’s movie, through a haiku or tanka or both.

May be the memories become the world for us sometimes…

I apologize for missing out on the prompt yet again last week. That has become a sort of norm for me. But sometimes, personal happenings take the better of my time and I forget everything else in the duration of such days.

What to do next?

1. Publish a post with your haiku or tanka if you have a blog. If you haven’t got a blog, you can share them in the comments down below. In case you have published a post, you can submit its link in the linking widget.

2. After you have made the post, take some of your time and visit the links of other participants. This is how we learn and improvise. Return again at the end of the week if you have made your post during the weekdays because there would be new links to visit, which would help us all to make connections and develop the feeling of community and togetherness in our adventure every week. Even if you can’t take out the time to visit all the links, then visit at least the link shared before or after you and offer your feedback and develop comradeship with that person.

Happy Writing!

You can also add the following tags to your post: HeedingHaikuWithHA and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie.

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  1. Wow, HA — I’ve been struggling with this concept *big time* this week — fantasy vs reality – disappointment and disillusionment, and retreating to that fantasy world as a kind of shell or “Linus’s blanket”. This will be a really rewarding prompt — I can just feel it.

    Thank you for all you do at Heeding Haiku 🙂


  2. Life, Ha – is something that sometimes we do not have control over, and can overwhelm us… always do what you need first. Thank you for a delicious prompt – I kept it simple – once we remove barriers (some which might be of our own making) then we can …well, breathe easier.

    Link is WP but also posted at ‘B’ here:

    Sometimes it just takes a level playing field to be comfortable. 🙂
    Being in control isn’t always as easy as it seems.

    I’m not a morning person (really being up at 5 am is not my cup of tea) but especially on the days when I’ve got both of my grandchildren for a long spell, I get up early just so I can post and feel like I’ve accomplished taking a calm breath.


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