How to remember dreams to do your Dream Interpretation

There are some among us who despair about not being able to remember their dreams after waking up. How can I participate in the writing prompt on Dream Interpretation when I can’t even remember any of my dreams? This could be due to weak stimulation from insignificant dream imagery. Maybe you were not excited by mundane images.

Here are some common methods to recall dreams.

  1. Before going to sleep every time, tell yourself that you’re going to remember your dream.
  2. Keep a Dream Journal by your bedside. Immediately after waking up and knowing you had a dream, write down as much as you can recall of that dream. Do this before you go to the bathroom. When you walk into a different room, you receive stimuli that displaces your earlier ones from your dream. Your short term memory is as good as your most recent activity. When you start your bathroom activity, your new thoughts displace those of your dream. Your routine pattern of behavior is stronger than your thoughts of your dream. This is why we should record our dreams before our mental thoughts are displaced by waking life’s thoughts and others from our stream of consciousness. When you enter into a habit of recording your dreams, you train yourself to remember your dreams. Try this for one whole week and hopefully you’ll have material to join us for next week’s writing prompt on Dream Interpretation.

For this week’s writing prompt, share with us your techniques for remembering dreams.

Bonus creative prompt or writing prompt:

Have you seen dream imagery so powerful that you had to draw a sketch to illustrate your dream? Do you prefer to draw a record of a dream, or to describe your dream imagery? Share one such drawing, or a page in your diary of dreams.

We’ll always be sharing points to help you recall dreams and write about them. Next week, we’ll have a special list to jog your memory and write more about dreams you’ve seen.

Thank you for reading and participating.


  1. My nightmares end up as poems in my blog. It helps disperse the fear and get things in perspective. I don’t remember many of my other dreams un;ess they are of my parents or dogs, but nightmares wake me up screaming sometimes.


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