B&P’s Shadorma & Beyond – January 30, 2016

Hello Folks … there’s been a bit of a mix-up today but never fear we’re on hand to present you with a new poetry challenge!

Today I thought we’d look at a “Cherita”.  Cherita (pronounced CHAIR-rita) is a linked poetry form of one-, two-, and three-line stanzas.  Cherita is Malay for story in fact:

A cherita consists of a one-line stanza, followed by a two-line stanza, and then finishing with a three-line stanza. It can either be written solo or by up to three partners.

The Cherita tells a story. It was created by ai li (A UK poet and artist) on June 22, 1997 in memory of her grandparents who were raconteur extraordinaire. It was also inspired by Larry Kimmel’s sensitive recognition of a shorter form contained within the opening three-verse stanza of ai li’s LUNENGA, which was created May 27, 1997.

The Cherita arose out of the English-language haiku and tanka tradition, but is more anecdotal, or nano-narrative, in nature than are the “momentary” haiku and the more lyrical tanka, though it is easily adaptable to lyrical expression. It is imagistic and depends on conciseness and suggestion for its effect.

Pasted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherita

And here’s a sample:

after seeing you off

taking the path along
the canal

a rustle of

© Larry Kimmel


his bedtime story

the never-ending tales
of enchantment

now you see them
now you don’t
night fairies

© ai li

So, restated:

A 6 line poem in three separate stanzas, a single line, a couplet, then a tercet.
Each stanza is a complete strophe
The line lengths are at the poets’ discretion
The poem should be presented, centered and untitled.
It should be imagistic and concise.

Now, for a little inspiration!

Black cats auditioning for a role in The Black Cat, a new version of the Edgar Allan Poe classic in 1961.

Once you’ve written your Cherita or if you prefer one of the variations of the Shadorma either inspired by the above photo or maybe by your own art-work, please tag your post: Mindlovesmisery Menagerie and B&P Shadorma and Beyond then add  your link to the Mr. Linky App below.

Have yourself a great week,  Bastet.



  1. Oooo…this was fun….now to find the time to do another one:) Got to go out…would much rather just write poetry…Life is getting in the way of writing ! Thanks G.


    • Thanks Rall – glad you like the prompt! Life does have a way of interrupting out writing doesn’t it … but on the other hand, where would we be without it 😉


  2. […] B&P’s Shadorma & Beyond – January 30, 2016 Cherita (pronounced CHAIR-rita) is a linked poetry form of one-, two-, and three-line stanzas. Cherita is Malay for story in fact: A cherita consists of a one-line stanza, followed by a two-line stanza, and then finishing with a three-line stanza. It can either be written solo or by up to three partners. A 6 line poem in three separate stanzas, a single line, a couplet, then a tercet. Each stanza is a complete strophe The line lengths are at the poet’s discretion The poem should be presented, centered and untitled. It should be imagistic and concise. […]


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