Sunday Writing Prompt, May 23/21 – Speak Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

Welcome to, Sunday Writing Prompt!

Have you ever bit your tongue, then regretted it later? Were you kept awake at night, running that perfect pithy comeback or rebuttal through your mind?

“If only I had said that, she would have gone on a second date with me.”

“Why didn’t I stand up to my jerk of a boss?”

“My mother is gone, and I never told her how much I appreciated her.”

“That joke was on the tip of my tongue. Why couldn’t I think of it at the time?”

Image from

This has been my reality on many occasions. I often wonder how different things would be if I had just said what I was thinking. Better, worse…who knows? Sometimes, you get ONE opportunity to speak, and if you don’t, that ship sets sail…

This week’s Sunday Writing Prompt: Speak Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

The Rules:

  • The style is completely open; poetry, prose, even a single sentence…Go where the prompt takes YOU!
  • Keep your submission to 500 words or less.
  • Post it on your page, and TAG it Sunday Writing PromptSWPMLMMMindlovemisery’s MenagerieAnd be sure to leave a link or pingback in the comment section below.
  • Feel free to use my photo for inspiration, or as your own cover image.
  • Please have your submissions in by the END OF EACH FRIDAY (Pacific Standard Time). Every Saturday, I will post a “standout” piece in a post entitled, SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT. Bear in mind, it will be based on my personal opinion. If you are not chosen, that does NOT mean your piece was not superb.
  • Be creative and HAVE FUN!

Please, take a moment and visit last week’s selection for the Saturday Spotlight series, Michael,



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