Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, August 23rd 2017, free-style haiku-ing

beach house

Dear friends of MLMM,

Welcome at a new episode of Heeding Haiku With … First I have to respond on something I read in last week’s post. There was someone that had questions at my statement that love is everlasting. As an oncology nurse I think, notwithstanding all sadness and pain I see, that love is still everlasting. Without everlasting love I think family and friends cannot cope with cancer of their beloved ones. They need everlasting love, or maybe I must say “unconditional love”, to stay at the side of the cancer patient. Cancer patients have a very hard time when they are diagnosed with cancer and start with the treatment … than they need loved ones around them, because they can give strength to go on with their treatment. Without everlasting love or unconditional love the cancer patients will have a very tough time during their treatment.

Without unconditional love I could not do my job as an oncology nurse. Not only for the patient and their loved ones, but also as the caregiver … I need the unconditional love of other nurses, doctors, friends and family, because without that love … my job will be tough.

Okay … back to our theme this week: I love to challenge you to start “free-styling” in creating haiku. This week there are no rules, just enjoy to create haiku. Creating haiku is ART and that ART is similar with other ART like painting or sculpting.
With haiku you can paint with words. You can create beauty with words …

For this “free-style” challenge I have the following theme “Indian Summer”. I don’t think this needs no explanation.

I am looking forward to your responses.

Have fun!

When you have written your haiku, please TAG Heeding Haiku with Chèvrefeuille and Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie. Then add your link to the Mister Linky widget below.


  1. People often comment from their personal experience, maybe that reader’s heart is starving for love… I salute you for the work you do, very taxing emotionally. So my question is, ‘free-style haiku’–does that suspend traditional “rules” and just retain the lines and syllables count??


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