BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond – Poetweet – February 28, 2015

Writer from Philadelphia

Hello everyone!  This is Jen again, greeting you from BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond.  Thank you for participating in last week’s challenge!  I hope you enjoyed Bastet’s Fibonacci!

For this week you have the choice of writing a shadorma (a non-rhyming six-line poem in 3/5/3/3/7/5), or a “poetweet“.

Twitter Logo

Poetweet is simple to explain – but less simple to construct.  “Poetweet” is a free verse poem constructed with *exactly* 140 characters.  That number *includes* punctuation and line breaks.   (Hence the “tweet” portion of the name.  “Tweets” in “Twitter” can be no longer than 140 characters.)

I was introduced to Poetweet by thotpurge.  Please visit the author – Rajani has a wonderful perspective and has given us permission to share this poetweet:

See us,
tiny pieces
in a giant kaleidoscope,
forming exquisite patterns
of incoherent magnificence.
Until a mirror breaks.

(c) thotpurge

While (technically) a “poetweet” can be less than 140 characters long, for this challenge try to write your poem as close to 140 characters as possible – without going over the limit.  You’ll need to weigh every word – every bit of punctuation – every line break – very carefully.

For your inspiration I’m adding a great old cabinet card – of a handsome gentleman at his writing table!  (I like to be contrary that way.) However – feel free to write on any subject you prefer.


Feel free to write a shadorma and/or poetweet.  The choice is yours! When you have written your poem(s), please TAG them BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie. Then add your link to the Mister Linky widget below.

Good luck!



  1. Very original and very au courant! I’ve never tweeted in my life … so this is also a real challenge … I’m uses to counting beats, I’m used to counting syllables but I’ve never counted characters!


  2. To all the people on this site that have been supportive of my work, I would like to say thank you. Here I found a place that fostered creativity and acceptance. I will not go into details here, but you can find out why I am leaving the blogosphere on my homepage. Once again, thank you to all and good luck in all your future ventures.


  3. I’m not entirely sure how to ping back but I put a link on the link page 🙂 Loved this challenge. 140 characters! It’s hard but definitely worth a try!


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