BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond – Cinquain – January 31, 2015

7 23 2014 gnome 6

Hello everyone!  This is Jen again, greeting you from BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond.  Thank you for participating in last week’s challenge!  It’s always a treat to read your responses.

For this week you have the choice of writing a shadorma (a non-rhyming six-line poem in 3/5/3/3/7/5), or a cinquain.

A cinquain is a short, usually unrhymed five-line poem developed by Adelaide Crapsey.  It has a syllable count of 2/4/6/8/2, and it is similar to the elfje in that each line has a very specific role, as follows:

Line 1: Noun
Line 2: Description of Noun
Line 3: Action
Line 4: Feeling or Effect
Line 5: Synonym of the initial noun.

Here is one example from Shadow Poetry:

Joshua Tree

hair spiked,
a crooked stance
in the hot desert sun –
dust in his face, he limps towards
the blue

(c) Deborah P Kolodji

Feel free to write a shadorma, a cinquain, or a combination of linked shadormas and cinquains.  The choice is yours! When you have written your poem(s), please TAG them BJ’s Shadorma & Beyond and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie. Then add your link to the Mister Linky widget below.

Good luck!



    • Very cool! That’s the best part — that you have FUN in the process! Perhaps you’ll try it again in future pieces — add it to your poetic toolbox?

      All the best to you —


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