Photo Challenge #33 “Endless Walk”

Matilda Emgård Endless Walk 33

Matilda Emgård

Use the above image as inspiration for a poem or short-story


If you are an artist or photographer use this as an opportunity to showcase your own work

You have 1 week to complete this challenge

Please credit the artist


  1. Reblogged this on Quillfyre and commented:
    Something about this image caught my fancy, and I respond here with Pas de Deux:

    Pas de Deux for High Wire

    Grey days Magda walks her crow along the wires,
    their lightning rod umbrellas raised against rain,
    each in sleek black dress. Crow hasn’t found
    right-size red shoes, tiptoes bare-clawed
    holding black string, the thing that
    keeps them grounded mid-air.

    It’s an odd tableau: Woman and Crow, a soggy circus
    in sky and air, a curious three-step on the wire:
    Shuffle, stop, hop, shuffle, stop, hop—
    ‘til rain stops the show.
    One, two three—
    Umbrellas up!
    And step off the wire.

    Carol A. Stephen
    November 4, 2014


  2. Just thought I’d stop by to play while listening to “Storybook Stories”…

    Her endless walks, up there high on a wire,
    Leads her friend gently through each storm,
    Did you hear all those songs they’ve sung together,
    Perhaps you heard every conversation they shared.

    There’s something about those many miles they’ve covered,
    What a wonderous two strangers sharing colours they’ve lived,
    Out beneath their black umbrella cover, her red shoes to lead their way,
    Out inside their hidden stories, painted black between highwire and storm.

    Stangers no more journeying wire, they know where their going,
    Friends with good hearts and their unwritten tales to share.

    Liked by 1 person

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