Fairytale #18

This has been a crazy week for me so I didn’t have time to think about a prompt. I woke up and went to find some inspiration. I follow a group called I F*cking Love Science and they had pictures of a snapdragon seed casings that made me smile. I felt these would fit in perfectly to a fairy tale.

So here are two photo to hopefully inspire a good tale.

snapgdragon seed pod skull dragons skull 3




I love nature and all the little gifts it gives up! We just need to open our eyes and see them all.

I hope you now come up with some brilliant ideas and write…..do not forget to add your link to Mr Linky’s below.



  1. I didn’t know that snapdragons were flowers covering death heads. I think my fairy tale will be on the Brothers Grimm dark side.


  2. they just would not behave
    no matter how much She gave them
    they just went around destroying everything
    and they never cleaned up after themselves
    She gave them beauty, love, joy, blue skies
    but all to no avail
    they continued to kill
    to be ungrateful
    they never SAW the gifts in front of them
    so one day
    She did what any Good Mother would do
    she taught them a lesson
    She gave them what they wanted
    She gave them Death
    and once they were gone
    the world flourished
    human beings
    She sighed
    were her biggest


  3. Dear Anja, They look like skeleton heads to me – so I would probably write something creepy too. I used to grow snapdragons every summer, but I never noticed this. Probably the four kids kept me too busy. Have a great week Anja! Nan 🙂


    • I never knew they did that as well. I stumbled across it and now I want to plant some snapdragons again. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful week as well.


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